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1 一人一人は神の息子、娘であることを悟り神の声に聞き従い、勝利の生活を送ることができるよう成熟したクリスチャンへと成長させる。

2 神の声を正しく聞くことができるよう聖徒達を訓練し、互いに励まし合う。

3 5役者たち、神の働き人達を立あげる。 エペソ人への手紙4:11-12

4 栄光の望であるキリストが私たちの内におられ神の国のために働く者達を立ち上がらせる 

5 イエスキリストのために喜びと真理と愛と由の中で働く者をたてあげる



1. To establish each believer as a son and daughter of God, who knows God,
Who knows God's voice and act on it for victorious living, and bring them into maturity in Christ, as Christ formed in us.

2. To equip and train believers to hear God for themselves, so that they can
encourage, build up and speak comfort to other believers and people around them.

3. To raise ministers for the work of Christ , through the Fivefold Ministry
Ephesians 4:11-12

4. To raise up believers to know and understand, that Christ is us, the hope of glory, that Christ dwells in us , to work through us the works of the Kingdom of God! Colossians 1:27

5. To release the sons of God, in freedom, in love, in truth and joy, to do the works of Christ Jesus in the earth.


賛美礼拝 Our Praise and Worship


We believe that Praise and Worship prepares the atmosphere for the Prophetic Move of God in every meeting.
Through Prophetic Worship, we can hear the new sound from heaven, and capture the mind and heart of God for His people and Church and for our nation. 2 Kings 3:15
We can in a prophetic Praise and Worship time, activate the prophetic gifts and be God' s voice over our church, our city and nation!

© 2016 by gateway church All right 

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